Well, I bought a website and...

The beginning.

7/21/20212 min read

MacBook Pro near white open book
MacBook Pro near white open book

And created a blog. Well, that's something totally innovative, right? Start a blog, write stuff that millions will read, become a mini-celebrity, and then earn a bunch of money. That's how it goes, isn't it? Why am I doing it if not for the above reasons? Honestly? I don't know. Maybe I want to have some of the above reasons to do this. Maybe not.

But I do know that I want something to last. Beyond me. A part of me that could potentially live beyond me. Perhaps someday my grandkids will find this blog and have a good laugh, "Oh, grandpa used to blog. That's so dorky". Of course, I have to pay the bills to keep this website online. But that's another issue I will tackle when I absolutely have to. Right now, I am young (kind of), at least I think I am. I want this blog to be the wind under my wings to soar me into the limitless sky. That's a great line for my memoir. Let's be straight now.

I have always loved writing ever since I was introduced to creative writing in middle school. Thanks to my absolutely fantastic teacher, Soma Miss, she made English seem like an adventure and not chore. The way she made English literature exciting and intriguing, that's something rare. I don't know about my friends, but every class was like a challenge which just kept getting interesting over the years. Those hours that I spent writing articles, speeches, letters, practicing grammar, it built a love for language and literature inside me. Years passed, but I still remember the lessons (not all of it, though; sorry, ma'am). I was more involved in academic and report writing in my graduation and post-graduation years. I always wanted to write for myself outside of academia.

But I never got to it; well, that changes with this blog. To be absolutely blunt, I want to bleed my heart out in this blog. (If that isn't overkill, then what is?). I want to write about things that excite me and probably do to some other people. I don't know if it will be read by 500 people or just 10 or just 2. I would be glad even if only one person reads this. With this post, I am kicking off what seems like a fun journey. To the person reading this, I hope good things come to your life.