Be deliriously happy. Life will be over tomorrow.

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”- Haruki Murakami

Murakami puts you in instant existential crisis with his words. I love that about him. We get lost focusing on one perspective that we sometimes forget about other outlooks. And maybe we need to step back at that moment and look at the bigger picture.

I love experimenting so I enjoy playing instruments such as Cajon, Drums, Bass, and Guitar. I am an enthusiastic reader and I diversify my reading across multiple genres, both fiction and non fiction but mostly non fiction. I am a photography enthusiast and enjoy landscape, portrait, and street photography.

​This blog is one of my latest experiments. I do not know where it is heading but I enjoy not knowing and loving the journey.

👋 Welcome to my tiny tiny tiny corner of the internet.

​🚀 My Journey: Life is an adventure; whether you like it or not, that's a different story altogether. I'm navigating it as best as I can and with a tremendous sense of gratitude. Sometimes, my attempts at understanding everything fall short, but that's okay—I'm learning along the way. Self-discovery is my polestar, guiding me toward authenticity and growth.

​📚 Acquiring Wisdom: Books, conversations, and quiet moments—they all contribute to the little pile of wisdom that I have managed to acquire in my short time on this tiny planet. Whether it's unraveling the mysteries of quantum physics or savoring the beauty of a well-crafted poem, I'm here for it all.

​🌿 Seeking Peace and Fulfillment: Amid the hustle and bustle, I seek moments of serenity. Whether it's a cup of coffee at the corner table at a cafe with a book in my hand or taking an unplanned ride on my motorbike with no destination, I'm on a quest for inner peace. And fulfillment? It's not about ticking off checkboxes; it's about finding joy in the journey itself. Finding joy is like finding Waldo, and I have a hard time finding it, but I keep trying. Maybe one day I'll get lucky!

​🌐 Sharing the Voyage: I invite you to join me on this rollercoaster ride. Let's explore ideas, swap stories, and celebrate the little victories over coffee, zoom calls, texts, or even letters! I would love to know more about you and your journey, and maybe if you don't find me creepy, in time, about what makes you tickle. :D